The vision for our Light of Renewal Community Hub has been born out of witnessing the needs of our city, including the clear mental health toll of the pandemic, and longing to reveal hope to those most in need during these testing times. 

We have recently completed renovation work to our building in order to incorporate a Light of Renewal Community Hub that enhances our ability to serve the city-centre of Glasgow through community and creativity. Our theme is the light of renewal which symbolises visibility, presence and a Christian hope that overcomes darkness.



What’s the history?

  • 1829

    The Beginning

    The Beginning

    March 1, 1829

    James Patterson and a few others starting meeting together in the city centre of Glasgow

  • 1833

    Hope Street

    Hope Street

    June 13, 1833

    new building for this growing congregation was built on Hope Street

  • 1877

    Adelaide Place

    Adelaide Place

    January 14, 1877

    Having outgrown the building in Hope Street, a new building on the corner of Bath Street and Pitt Street, designed by T.L. Watson, was built and opened.

  • 1995

    A Church That Stayed

    A Church That Stayed

    January 8, 1995

    Faced with significant repairs to the building, the church decided to remain faithful to the call of God to stay in the city centre building. Essential work was carried out, and a Nursery and Guesthouse opened in part of the building.

  • 2017

    Light of Renewal Project: Phase 1

    Light of Renewal Project: Phase 1

    July 4, 2017

    A vision for a place which is connected, dynamic, welcoming and creative.

    • Phase 1 (A/V installation and essential building repairs) complete.
    • Phase 2 (refurbishment and renovation of former guesthouse to church staff base and meeting / multi-purpose rooms) underway.


  • 2018

    Light of Renewal Project: Phase 2

    Light of Renewal Project: Phase 2

    October 13, 2018

    A vision for a place which is connected, dynamic, welcoming and creative.

    • Planned completion of Phase 2: refurbishment and renovation of former guesthouse to become church staff base and meeting / multi-purpose rooms.
    • Finalising plans for Phase 3


  • 2022

    Light of Renewal Project: Phase 3

    Light of Renewal Project: Phase 3

    August 1, 2022

    A growing sense of place and being a community hub for the city

    Plans in place to renovate auditorium and welcome areas in summer/autumn 2022 to enable the vision to be realised

What are the needs?

We are already experiencing the following challenges in our community: 

Increased mental ill-health

Increased mental ill-health

1 in 4 people will experience mental ill-health in Scotland and there is evidence that shows a slow, steady increase in rates of depression and suicidal thoughts in adults over time. (Source)

Students and young people affected

Students and young people affected

Some surveys have reported 81% of respondents agree that the pandemic has made their mental health worse. (Source)

Dispersed asylum seekers in Glasgow

Dispersed asylum seekers in Glasgow

Approximately 10% of the UK’s dispersed asylum population is accommodated in Glasgow. (Source)

Widening inequality gaps

Widening inequality gaps

According to the Scottish Government, it is now clear that the impact of COVID-19 will be both large and unequal. (


What will the project involve?

Practically, the main redesign features include: 

  • Creating a ‘community hub’ that offers a new, fully-fitted kitchen with adjacent cafe bar and relaxed seating area
  • New accessible toilets and a permanent, fully-accessible stage ramp
  • A new multi-use reception room with a pop-up art gallery
  • Sympathetically redeveloping our entrance vestibules, including new wayfinding signage and exterior lighting in order to create a more inviting first experience


cafe bar sketch



What will the Hub enable us to do?

We want to include new expressions of ministry that will more readily serve those most in need in our city. Building this community hub will be pivotal in allowing us to offer the following resources: 

  1. A ‘Wellbeing’ cafe incorporating a model, well tested by many churches in England, that makes a coffee offer combined with meditation exercises – Renew Wellbeing.
  2. A drop-in cafe, providing a warm space where many different people can connect, meet others, and find support through other organisations.
  3. A new art gallery/reception room offering young artists the opportunity to showcase their work in a prime location at a time were many creatives have suffered.
  4. A student hub that offers community space to the growing student residents on our doorsteps. 
  5. An improved venue for hosting events that serve the city. We served as an events hub throughout COP26.


inviting sketch


How can I be part of this?

Pray! We would love for you to join with us in praying for God to bring about His Kingdom through this project.

You can give to the Light of Renewal project in a number of different ways.

Standing Order

Standing Order

You can set up regular giving through Standing Order using the bank details below. Regular giving allows us to budget more effectively and is therefore incredibly helpful.

Online Donation

Online Donation

Setting up a one-off card payment or a recurring Direct Debit can be done via Stewardship. Please note that we are charged a small transaction fee for each payment.

Online Banking

Online Banking

Make a one-off electronic bank transfer directly to the church's bank account using the details below.

However you chose to give, please put “LIGHT OF RENEWAL” in the reference or message of support field.


Bank Details


Adelaide Place Baptist Church

Sort Code


Account Number


Gift Aid Declaration

Whichever way you choose to give, if you are a current UK taxpayer, we can reclaim the basic rate tax (25%) on your giving. Simply complete the gift aid declaration below.

Need more info?

You can contact the leadership team with any questions, comments or prayers.


Icon credits (all from the Noun Project): Coins by Ben Iconator, Smartphone by Yaroslav Samoilov, Bank by Rockicon, Online Payment by Bence Bezeredy