Adelaide Place emerged out of a spirit of sacrifice and risk. It is a community that came to life in the upper floors of a flat in the city centre of Glasgow by a small group of people with a vision of Jesus and for a church that cared for the wellbeing of their city.
Over many decades the church moved locations, changed leadership and cast different visions, but it has always sought to be faithful to Jesus in the good times, as well as the bad. The community of Jesus followers here have planted churches, created a business and pioneered in mission for around 140 years. There has been a light burning for Jesus that we believe God has given us to hold high and shine brightly where we live, worship and work, and to pass on from one generation to the next.
Through the prophet Jeremiah, God has reminded us that He cares about humanity and creation in its totality. The story of Scripture points to a time when God will bring all aspects of His creation into perfect relationship with Himself – the renewal of all things natural, physical, social and spiritual. The Gospel of Jesus is central to this restoration. Its light banishes the darkness and its power brings transformation to all levels of culture.
We see a family of disciple-makers joining God in the renewal of all things. We believe God wants to envision and release people with their passions and dreams for reaching out in the city and beyond. We want to empower people to follow God and to participate in his story of renewal. We want to see the light of the good news of Jesus Christ renewing lives across Glasgow and our world.
To drive our vision we are developing Missional Communities, which are groups of people seeking to reach out to particular neighbourhoods or networks. These groups worship and learn together, they care for each other and gather around a common vision to reach out together. We often describe this balanced life of discipleship with three words: UP, IN and OUT.
As a community we seek to express and cultivate a culture that embodies the following values