Sunday 19th November 2023: “The Surprising Compassion of Jesus (and its results)”
Stephen Crothers
Sunday 15th October 2023: “Blessed are the Peacemakers”
John Adams
Sunday 10th September 2023: “Lift Your Expectations”
Stephen Crothers
Sunday 27th August 2023: “Family on Mission”
David Roy
Sunday 20th August 2023: “Fighting Futility at Work”
Stephen Crothers
Sunday 25th June 2023: “Radical Grace & The Embrace of the Father”
Stephen Crothers
Sunday 16th April 2023: “Living in Light of the Resurrection”
David Roy
Sunday 2nd April 2023: “Palm Sunday 2023”
David Roy
Sunday 19th March 2023: “A Well-Watered Garden”
Stephen Crothers
Sunday 19th February 2023: “Psalm 1: The Dedicated Life”
Stephen Crothers
Sunday 12th February 2023: “Eternal Love & Spacious Places”
Fiona Stewart
Sunday 16th October 2022: “A Real Life of Relationship With God”
John Adams
Sunday 9th October 2022: “Seek The Welfare Of The City”
David Roy
Sunday 25th September 2022: “Cast Your Cares”
Stephen Crothers
Sunday 21st August 2022: “The Tenderness of Jesus”
Stephen Crothers
Sunday 31st July 2022: “Christian Character & Leadership”
Les Rance