What does it mean to follow Jesus?
One underused word that describes what it means to follow Jesus is ‘apprentice’. An apprentice is someone who learns at the elbow of their master. This word carries the sense of putting into practice what we have been taught, what we have seen, and what we have heard.
This is what’s at the heart of our series on Practicing the Way of Jesus.
A lack of emphasis on practice is perhaps what has led to the phrase, ‘the great omission’, coined by Dallas Willard.
That is, when we omit the significance of the teachings of Jesus for our everyday lives.
Or when we fail to connect deeply in our missional communities to grow together.
And ultimately when we fail to prioritise time to develop practices that work with God’s Spirit towards helping us become more like Jesus.
The framework
Sunday teaching which goes after a simple vision for attending to this ‘great omission’ together, exploring the themes together on a Sunday alongside weekly practical resources.
The resource each week can be worked out in any way you see fit in your context. We would love to keep the emphasis on putting these things into practice.
Each week, we’ll share links to listen back to Sunday’s and the resources for the week ahead.