Putting on Christ (Practically) – An Introduction to Spiritual Disciplines
Week 9: Sunday 8th March 2020
Second Sunday of Lent
Theme: Putting on Christ (Practically) – An Introduction to Spiritual Disciplines
Scripture: Colossians 3:9-10, Hebrews 12:11, Hebrews 5:14
Top Tips for Spiritual Disciplines (from ‘The Life You’ve Always Wanted’ by John Ortberg):
1. Always Seasonal
2. Bring your own personality
3. Peaks & Troughs
4. Can’t earn God’s love
Father, you are good, full of light, constant in grace, mercy, justice and love.
We are seeking to follow your Son, the one who showed us life in all it’s fullness, complexity and joy. Would you send your Spirit again to fill us up because our spirits are willing but our flesh is indeed weak.
Spirit make us more like our creator, into the image of the Son. Into the people you want us to be for our family, friends, colleagues, neighbours & brothers and sisters in Christ.
Give us fresh vision that the way of Christ is not only worth it but it is also near. Within reach. Here right now.
We receive your help this day
Learning Circle
When God speaks or nudges us very often the challenge is dwelling on what he says and following through in obedience. The learning circle is a simple visual tool to help disciples discuss and discern together how God may be speaking to us. Imagine the sorts of conversations Jesus would have had with his disciples in the gospels.
Why don’t you grab some people from your MC and use the learning circle to deepen your conversations as you reflect on this Sunday’s message.