Rest for the body

Week 5: Sunday 6th October


Theme: Rest for the body

Scripture: Mark 2:23-28


Practice: Digital Sabbath exercise cited from

Below are a few suggestions for how you can limit your use of technology:

  • Decide on a window of time you will spend with your phone powered down and put away. This could be the full 24 hours of Sabbath or a few selected hours on that day. Whatever you decide, try to stick to it! (Note: nothing here is a permanent commitment, so we challenge you to try the full day!)
  • Decide on what you will and will not use your phone for on Sabbath. You might decide that you can text or call on your Sabbath, but that you will not scroll on social media, browse the web, or check email.
  • Delete the apps you waste a lot of your time on (e.g. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, News etc.). You can always re-download them after Sabbath!
  • Make any social plans for your Sabbath ahead of time so you don’t need to be on your phone the day of (e.g. schedule your call with a sibling, decide when and where you will have coffee with a friend, etc.).
  • Set limits on media. There’s nothing wrong with watching a movie or your favourite show on your Sabbath, but a binge is not likely to lead you into greater rest and worship. If you’re prone to binging, set a limit for yourself (e.g. One movie, ______ episodes, etc.)
  • Explore Sabbath activities that don’t require a phone, internet, or a screen. If you’re prone to vegging on Netflix, try picking up a book. If your family bonds over movies, try a board game or a walk in the park.

Practice: Design Your Sabbath

Further resources: 

  1. ‘Sabbath as Resistance’ by Walter Brueggemann
  2.  ‘Garden City’ by John Mark Comer
  3. ‘Keeping the Sabbath Wholly’ by Marva J Dawn
  4. ‘The Sabbath’ by Abraham Joshua Heschel
  5. ‘Subversive Sabbath’ by A.J. Swoboda

Prayer: Psalm 131