Practicing Simplicity

Week 10: Sunday 15th March 2020
Third Sunday of Lent


Theme: Practicing Simplicity
Scripture: Luke 12:13-34

Sermon Slides


Give me neither poverty nor riches but help me simply put the kingdom first in all I do. Give me only my daily bread. May we learn to live carefree with the God who is most careful with us.

And in the words that the Lord Jesus taught his disciples to say:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name.
Your Kingdom come,
Your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom,
the power and the glory are Yours, now and for ever.

Practice (from ‘How to Unhurry’ workbook, by John Mark Comer):
1. If you don’t have a schedule, start there. Draw up a week/month in the life of yours truly.
2. Then delete a few things.

  • Here’s a few easy targets that eat up heaps of time for many people:
    • –  TV.
    • –  Social Media.
    • –  Time online.
    • –  Video games.
    • –  Extra social obligations.
  • This exercise requires a clear vision of your life before God, a basic sense of his call on your life, and a sense of values. It should force you to ask, what really matters to me? What are my priorities? What relationships do I need to give my energies to? What activities are honestly a waste of my time? These are all great questions to sit in the tension of.
Learning Circle
When God speaks or nudges us very often the challenge is dwelling on what he says and following through in obedience. The learning circle is a simple visual tool to help disciples discuss and discern together how God may be speaking to us. Imagine the sorts of conversations Jesus would have had with his disciples in the gospels.

Why don’t you grab some people from your MC and use the learning circle to deepen your conversations as you reflect on this Sunday’s message.